Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keyboard shortcut for GMAIL IN HINDI

 Keyboard shortcuts

 नमस्ते दोस्तों इस post  मै  हम  Keyboard shortcuts   किस  तरह से   gmail  मे  use  कर 
  सकते है यह  जानेंगे ।

नीचे  दिए गए बटन को एक साथ PRESS  करना है

"Ctrl + Enter" से हम ईमेल  को send  कर सकते है ।  

"Ctrl + ." से हम नई  COMPOSE  window  ओपन कर सकते है ।  
"Ctrl + Shift + c” से हम   "Cc recipients”  को भी अपने मेल    मे add  कर सकते है  । 
"Ctrl + Shift + b”  से हम "Bcc recipients” को भी अपने मेल  मे add  कर सकते है  ।
"Ctrl + Shift + f" से हम   "from" address को बदल सकते है । 

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Keyboard shortcut for GMAIL in English

 Keyboard shortcut for GMAIL ,

How we can use keyboard shortcut in our Gmail account.

"Ctrl + Enter" is Send message after, composing your message, use this combination to send it.
"Ctrl + ." is used to OPEN NEW COMPOSE WINDOW     Use this shortcut to move the cursor to the  New compose window, or the compose window .
"Ctrl + Shift + c” is use to add "Cc recipients” While composing, takes you to the Cc field to add new recipients
"Ctrl + Shift + b” is use to add "Bcc recipients” While composing, takes you to the Bcc field to add new blind recipients.
"Ctrl + Shift + f" is use to change "from" address While composing, takes you to the From field to change your sending address.

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